Making flu immunizations more accessible – that’s our mission here at FluFree. And we know that one of the best ways to boost vaccination rates is to bring the vaccine to the people. Workplace or other onsite flu clinics make getting a flu shot fast and easy. Employers win, too, with a healthy, productive workforce.
Working together to build a Flu Free workforce
Vaccinating your workforce against the flu provides a cost savings of $47 per person vaccinated.
- Studies show that adults who are vaccinated against the flu miss 43% fewer days of work then those who are not vaccinated
- 60% of adults do not receive a flu shot
- A majority of adults who neglect to get a flu shot tell researches they simply lack the time to do so. A convenient workplace flu clinic can help this target group be FluFree!
Flu complications account for roughly 36,000 adult deaths and 200,000 hospitalizations in the US annually
- 20% of the US workforce gets sick with the flu each year
- Employees who are sick with the flu miss an average of 5 days of work each year
- About 111 million workdays are lost due to the flu each year
Schedule Your Onsite Clinic
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